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We would like you to allow us to use cookies on this website so that we can store your club/team or division, when you last visited and what options you have selected. This means that next time you visit the website we can take you straight to the information you are interested in, let you know if the information has changed and apply the options you have previously selected. We don't use cookies in any other way and NEVER collect or analyse information about you or pass anything on to a third party.

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DATA PRIVACY: This website stores the personal data of the Administrators, Club & Team Contacts and Team Players whom participate in the League. [click for more info].
What personal data we hold on you:
For Administrators, which includes Committee Members and Results Secretaries, we hold your name and either one or more telephone numbers or one or more email addresses, or both, and optionally your postal address. For Club and Team Contacts, we hold your name, and either one or more telephone numbers or one or more email addresses, or both, and optionally your BTM number. For Team Players, we hold your name, optionally one or more telephone numbers, optionally one or more email addresses and optionally your BTM number.

How we collect this data:
For Administrators, we collect this data through initial correspondence with you when setting up the website. For Committee Members and Results Secretaries we collect this data through the Administrators entering the data onto the website through their own correspondence with you. For Club and Team Contacts, we collect this data through the Administrators and/or Results Secretaries entering the data onto the website through their own correspondence with you. Optionally we collect this data through existing Club and Team Contacts entering the data onto the website during online team entry through their own correspondence with you. For Team Players, we collect your name through Club and Team Contacts entering your name onto a match card. Optionally we collect your telephone numbers and email addresses through Club and Team Contacts entering data onto the website through their own correspondence with you.

Why we need your personal data:
Logon to the website: In order for you to create a logon to the website we need to verify who you are. We do this by asking you to enter your name onto the website and then complete the missing characters and numbers from you contact details, we then send you a code to your contact details which you must enter onto the website and choose a password. If you subsequently forget your password then the validation process, as described above, is used to reset your password.

Communicate with you: Administrators have the ability to use your contact details to send you emails through the website. For Administrators, League Officials and Results Secretaries we use your contact details to allow those logged onto the website to send you feedback, without exposing your contact details. NOTE: the contact details of those logged onto the website are provided as part of the feedback. For Results Secretaries, we use your contact details to automatically notify you of VOID and POSTPONED / UNFINISHED matches. For Team Contacts, we use your contact details to automatically notify you of changes to fixture status.

To report singles player results: we generate reports of all signals matches containing your name and BTM number. These reports are available to those visiting the website without having to logon. These reports are sent to the LTA, by league officials, for the purposes of updating individual players LTA ranking, based on league match results.

Who we share your personal data with:
We do not share your personal data with anyone. However, for Committee Members and Results Secretaries your name is listed as a league official, your contact details, including postal address, are not displayed in the handbook, unless you set your privacy to PUBLIC or your privacy is set to LEAGUE and the viewer has logged onto the website. For Club & Team Contacts, your name is listed as a contact for the club / team you represent, your contact details are not displayed on the website, or optionally the handbook, unless you set your privacy to PUBLIC or your privacy is set to LEAGUE and the viewer has logged onto the website. For Team Players, your name is listed on the match card and optionally as a starred player and listed in the player rankings. Your contact details are not displayed on the website, or available for download, with the exception of being made available to your team contact. NOTE: For all your contact details, and privacy settings, are common across all leagues that you participate in that use this website framework.

How long we hold your personal data:
We hold your personal data for the duration that you are an active participant in the League. As soon as you are no longer a league official or associated with a club or team your personal data will be marked for deletion. We periodically remove personal data marked for deletion.

How you can view the personal data we hold on you:
You can view the personal data we hold on you by logging on to the website and clicking the USER DETAILS tab followed by the MY DETAILS menu item. You can modify, including removing, your contact details from this page.

Harrogate & District Badminton League




League Rules

1.      TITLE :
1.1        The League shall be called The Harrogate & District Badminton League
1.2        Playing members of all clubs are recomended to affiliate to the Badminton Association of England.
2.      MANAGEMENT :
2.1        The League shall be managed by a Chairman; Secretary; Treasurer; Match Secretary and at least three other members or officials, as may be appropriate, appointed at the Annual General Meeting or co-opted at any time. A quorum of four shall be required to conduct business. A maximum of three members from any one club shall serve on the Committee. Any member consistently failing to attend committee meetings shall not be eligible for re-election. The League President may also attend committee meetings.
2.2        The League Secretary shall notify all clubs of the date of the A.G.M. The A.G.M. will be held prior to the start of each season. Voting shall be restricted to the Committee and a representative of each team completing their previous year’s matches. A voting card will be issued for each eligible team and will be required to register a vote.
2.3        Proposals for changes to the League rules must be made in writing to the League Secretary before 31st. May and any alterations will require a majority in favour of those voting at the A.G.M. Clubs will be notified in writing prior to the A.G.M. of any proposed amendments.
2.4        An entry fee will be agreed at the A.G.M. for each participating team. Payment will be due at the Fixture Meeting.
2.5        Clubs wishing to resign from or enter the League shall give notice to the League Secretary no later than 1st. September immediately preceding the season of competition. All new entrants shall be placed in the lowest division. Clubs wishing to resign a team must withdraw their lowest team.
3.1        The League competitions shall be restricted to bona-fide playing members of the competing clubs. No player shall play for more than one club during a season except by prior agreement of the clubs involved and with  approval from the Management Committee.
3.2           Where teams from the same club are in the same division, players for the first team must be nominated before the first match and shall not play in any lower team. Teams from the same club in the same division must play each other at the start of each half of the season before they play any other league match.
3.3        A club with more than one team in the League is required to nominate at least 3 men and 3 ladies for each team (other than the lowest placed team), including cup teams, and provide a list of nominations before the first match. Nominated players will not be eligible to play in a lower division or lower team cup competition. Clubs will notify players that they have been nominated prior to the Fixture Meeting to ensure their acceptance. Clubs failing to nominate players will forfeit any points won until nominations are received.
3.4        Where a club with more than one team in a division enters a team in a cup competition, only players nominated for that team and players from a lower division are eligible. Once a player has represented a team in a cup competition he or she will be ineligible to play for any other team in that competition.
3.5        A man who has played three matches and a lady five matches for a club’s higher team or teams shall not be eligible to play in a lower division or in cup matches for a lower team.
3.6      Any team fielding an ineligible player in a cup competition will automatically be disqualified and take no further part in the competition.
3.7      Entries will not be accepted for any handicapped events from players who have represented a County 1st, 2nd, or 3rd team within the previous three years.

4) Fixtures and Results

4.1) A fixture meeting shall be held prior to the start of the season, the date of which will be notified in the AGM agenda. A representative from each competing club will attend the meeting and agree the dates, times and venues of all its matches with each opposing club in the relevant division(s).

4.2) Each team shall enter the agreed dates of its home fixtures on the league website by September 30th.

4.3) Match dates agreed at the fixtures meeting will not be altered except by agreement between the two teams involved. A match cannot be conceded by either team; a postponement must be entered on the league website by the home team no later than 7 days after the original fixture; a rearranged date for the match can be entered at the same time or as soon as possible thereafter.

Failure to reach agreement regarding the rearrangement of any match which results in the match remaining unplayed will be dealt with in accordance with Rules 4.8 and 4.9

4.4) Match results must be entered on the league website by the home team, & subsequently verified by the away team, within 7 days of the match date. 

4.5) Any team not entering results, or details of a match postponed and / or rearranged, within 7 days of the original fixture date may be deducted league points for every subsequent 7 day delay at the committees discretion under Rule 4.9

4.6) Unless otherwise agreed by the Committee, no league matches shall be played during the week of the League tournament.

4.7) End of Season Date. All matches must be completed by March 31st; in any season when Easter falls before or around March 31st, the Committee will agree an extension to the season which will be notified at the AGM.

4.8) Any match which remains unplayed at the End of Season date will be considered VOID and no points will be awarded to either team involved. Should either or both teams wish to appeal a decision under this rule, the Committee must be notified in writing before the End of Season Date.

4.9) The committee shall have the power to award or deduct points or order a rematch at a venue of their choosing for any match in which a breach of the Rules has occurred. Appeals should be made to the committee in writing, within 7 days of the match date.


5       MATCH PLAY :
5.1        Each match shall consist of nine rubbers, two games to 21 points, as detailed on the score-sheet provided. Setting to  24 all is permitted. One league point will be awarded for each game won.
5.2        The home captain must provide a scorecard and enter the home team players first before passing the scorecard to the away captain before the match commences. Once a match has started no changes in the composition of teams shall be allowed.
5.3        If play starts 15 minutes after the agreed time, the offending team shall forfeit the first rubber. One further rubber shall be forfeited for each 15 minutes delay thereafter. If play has not started after 60 minutes the offending team will forfeit the match.
5.4        If any player or pair is absent when called upon to play the rubber shall be awarded to the opposing team, except by mutual agreement of the captains.
5.5        The home team must organise their court space to ensure that there is sufficient time to complete the match from the agreed start time. Any unfinished or outstanding rubbers will be awarded to the away team and bonus points awarded as per rule 5.1.
5.6        Recognized badminton clothing shall be worn during match and tournament play.
5.7        Tournament quality feather shuttles should be used for all matches unless both teams mutually agree to play both home and away matches with plastic shuttles of suitable quality. In case of non-agreement, feather shuttles must be used.
6.1        The winner of a Division shall be decided by the number of league points won. In the event of a tie, the winner shall be decided by the number of matches won, and if this is still equal the total number of game points shall decide
6.2        At the end of each season the top tteams in each division (except the first division) shall be promoted to the next higher division. The lowest teams in each division (except the lowest division) will be relegated to the next lower division.
6.3        The Committee reserve the right to increase or reduce the number of teams promoted or relegated if it is in the best interests of the League. The objective shall be that the League comprises of divisions of eight teams and that where the number of competing teams is not divisible by eight, the difference is accommodated in the two lowest divisions.
6.4        Clubs failing to complete their fixtures, or in severe or repeated breach of League regulations, may have points deducted or be promoted to a higher division or relegated to a lower division – the division to be decided by the Committee.

7.1 HANDICAP COMPETITIONS. Matches will be all mixed. Two games to 21. No setting. Handicap, which will be a plus to one team, will only be divulged after the conclusion of the match.

Harrogate & District Badminton League

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